Calibrated & True Air Speed
CAS/TAS: Column of the "Navigation Log" that provides a convenient way to obtain, calculate, and list the following air speed information used for filing the Flight Plan with the FAA, and during flight:
- CAS: Calibrated Air Speed: Indicated Air Speed adjusted for installation, position, and instrument errors, and obtained from the "Pilots Operator Handbook."
- TAS: True Air Speed: Air speed used for calculating Wind Correction Angle, and filing the Flight Plan with the FAA Briefer
Where: Indicated Air Speed is the speed displayed by the aircraft's Air Speed Indicator.
- Obtain the following information:
- Calibrated Air Speed from the "Pilots Operator Handbook," and enter it as follows
- Altimeter Setting from WX-BRIEF
- For each Individual Leg: Calculate the True Air Speed, using the following information, and an E6-B:
- Calibrated Air Speed and Altimeter Setting (from Step 1)
- Cruising Altitude from the "Navigation Log"
and enter the result as follows.
- Select the True Air Speed for the longest Leg, and enter it into the "Flight Plan" section as follows.